Santa School

Every year I am overworked, over booked and have to turn terrific gigs down.  That means that I miss meeting all of those great kids and families, some will not get a really great Santa character and some will simply not meet Santa at all.
I want to change that and build a pool of brilliant Santa Claus, Mrs Claus and Elf characters so that
every gig can be covered, that we become the premier agency for Santa characters and
that those who do the training get really good (and lucrative) gigs each year.
That could be YOU!

The Santa School will cover all 3 characters, with specific training arounnd each.  By the end of the training you shoudl be equipped, confident and eager to get started.

The School will cover:

  • Background & history of each Character.
  • Do's & Don't's of playing the role.
  • Disclosure & basic child protection.
  • Costume (in detail).
  • What to expect for different types of gigs.
  • Story telling (and stories to tell).
  • Video based role play & review

Training wll be delivered by an experienced Trainer (over 30 years experience).

It is expected to run in June or October in Edinburgh for a price of £75.00.  There may be scope for a Zoom based school.

Participants will receive a certificate of achievement as evidence of reaching the quality standard.

Please complete the contact form on the right if you would be interested in taking part in the Santa School.